Educators, Dietitians, Nurses, Mental Health & Fitness Professionals
Menu Planning & Recipes

Dorene's BeyondDiets Blog

Entries in recipes (10)


Coconut Cherry Almond Energy Bars - Yum!

While generally I've never been a fan of energy or snack bars, they can serve a valid purpose as a healthy energy-packed snack. That said, the most popular brands (in my opinion) cost an arm and a leg! What's more I've never tasted one that (again, in my opinion) tasted really great.

Click to read more ...


Banana Bread Mini-Muffins!

My family loves this banana bread recipe! While we usually make mini-muffins with it, you can also do regular (cup cake) size muffins, or loaves. This bread is moist and yummy--despite less oil and sugar--than many recipes, because of lots of banana. Quickbreads like this are easy, and there's nothing like the smell of home baking to bring a family together (in the kitchen)!

RECIPE: Dorene's Banana Bread!



Tasty treat: Chicken Wings

Once in a while you want to splurge on something a little decadent! My husband (and son) LOVE chicken wings. Wings are simple to make (especially when papa does the grilling)! To balance out the splurge pair them with a big bowl of carrot and celery sticks (with lowfat ranch dip).

Recipe: Chicken Wings

You can make a tasty lowfat ranch dip by mixing a dry ranch seasoning packet into plain lowfat sour cream. Try Uncle Dan's Original Ranch Dressing mix and look for a lowfat sour cream that is ~20-calories per tablespoon.


PS--My review of the Dukan Diet is coming up next blog.


The Best Tiramisu Ever!

This Tiramisu recipe has been our Father's Day Tradition for the past five years. Our daughter was just thirteen the first time she made it, it turned out perfectly, and she's made it every year since then. Based on how yummy it is you would never guess the recipe is from Cooking Light (just 226-calories for 1/8th).  Our family thinks it's the best Tiramisu we've had anywhere.

Sound good?
Here it is: Tiramisu 


PS--My next blog will be a review of the Dukan Diet. However, since we leave on family vacation the 20th for two weeks, it may not get posted until early July. If you have questions about the Dukan Diet feel free to let me know (, and I'll try to make sure the review answers them! Thanks!


Spicy Pineapple Cole Slaw

This light and refreshing slaw comes together in just 15-minutes! To make a full meal, the slaw compliments chicken or beef nicely, then all you need is some brown rice. For a different twist, substitute a can of Mandarin oranges for the pineapple.

If this sounds good to you too, here's the recipe: Spicy Pineapple Slaw.
