Diet soda and stroke: What you need to know

I'm no fan of processed foods, or soda of any type, for that matter. That said, I am frustrated with the press this topic has gotten because it's regarding unpublished (meaning not yet peer reviewed) research. Anyone in a grad school statistics class learns that more than 50% of "research" isn't worth the paper it's printed on. That's because research is conducted by humans who make lots of mistakes analyzing data (using statistics properly) as well as in study design. The "poster session" that got the buzz on this topic started was also based on "observational" data, that at most can point us toward a topic that needs controlled trials in order to see if there is a true causal affect.
My bottom line: Americans drink too much soda period, so making soda an occaisional instead of regular beverage is a step in the right direction for your health.
For further information here are a couple review links from the Calorie Control Council. Just be aware that the Calorie Control Council is an industry funded group, with a clear conflict of interest.
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